Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Tailors 2014

Dolsok                                Queen                            Gongjin                      KIng            

The Tailors, 2014

The film, The Tailors, depicts the life of two tailors. 

Dolsok Cho works at Royal Tailors' House where he designs and makes clothes for royal families including the king and queen. His talent and dedication has been recognized by the royal court and he is soon to be awarded a position of yangban, a class or position distinction comparable to that of British or European aristocrat. 

However, one day, one of queen's maid makes a mistake of burning a very important dress of Queen. Dolsok therefore needs to find a tailor who has equal techniques and genuis in clothing. He begins to ask around about popular tailors among the general people. Then he finds Gongjin who designs clothes for Gisang, Choson period' version of Geisha.

Gisang Wearing Gongjin's Dress

Dolsok first does not like Gongjin, looking down upon his designs as vulgar.

Soon, Gongjin demonstrates his novel and dramatic designs which appeal to both of King and Queen.
Queen and Gongjin

Gongjin develops a special emotional tie with the queen who has been neglected by the king who has had a number of concubines. Gongjin promises to the queen that he would make her appear as the most beautiful lady on the important royal banquet day.
The Beauty of Queen

trailer link